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Is sarcasm and passive agressive behaviour just a socially acceptable way to be rude?

I’m always intrigued at how humans express their emotions and can include but is not limited to happiness, sadness and anger. As I grew up I saw different ways that people can express these emotions, and two ways they can be expressed is through passive aggression and sarcasm. I grew up in a loud Irish family that found and still finds no trouble in telling the truth, whether good or bad. There is a communication trend only found in adults that let humans express anger and frustration in a socially acceptable manner, introducing sarcasm.

Sarcasm can be used for humour or to express ones underlying or broody feelings of angst and anger at a specific person. I never got sarcasm and to this day believe it is used as a communicative tool to say nasty and cruel things that people don’t want to say without the safety of a humour label as a safety net. Why have we become a society of political correctness and cotton bud children and when did telling the truth become taboo in modern society? Another form of bad communication can be found in passive aggressive behaviour and this is a very transparent but widely used communicative tool that allows people to say nasty things with a safe layer of passive behaviour to help them express deep seeded anger and frustration. If we put our emotions into categories and try not to let each one filter into another, we would not be as frustrated and communicative confusion wouldn’t exist, a girl can dream!

If we want to say something, we should therefore say it. Obviously say what your feeling based on the situation and context, but telling the truth is a truly refreshing feeling and you aren’t left with a feeling of stress and anger. Don’t cover up your rude and childish behaviour with jokes and niceties, but do say what’s on your mind in a healthy way, even if the outcome creates more sadness or anger. Don’t quash your feelings, I guarantee they will start to fester over time.

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