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Politics in Australia... is a joke

To all you soon to be voters, I, like you lay awake at night thinking about what new slightly less childish party you are going to pick for the upcoming federal election. Unlike the semi professionalism you see in international politics, the "debates" you may encounter in Australia mainly consist of two highly paid older white males who are likened to an illegal crocodile handbag from the early 1900's speaking over one another as loudly as possible, to eventually spit out a sentence about how coal mining will not contribute to global warming or sexism is getting a lot better in workplace, and not backing up any of these claims with actually statistics or research.

On the other hand, you may catch one of these far reaching thinkers such as Troy Buswell, aptly know as chair-sniffing Buswell to his friends, making the small amount of females that dare to enter the sausage fest that is the Australian government smelling the sweaty pheromones of the male politician way too close to her person. For the current election, an assortment of "shove it down their throats until they choke and die" advertisements have been sent to hard working Australians that make up the majority of this country, assuring them of bullshit that has been promised repeatedly like a Beatles song but not as catchy or attractive.

The man of the hour that really has my knickers in a bunch is Mr Clive too much money Palmer, now if your reading this thinking he's made some good points whilst trying to exploit the Australian people then please close this window now as you have clearly clicked on the wrong article that actually holds valid points and has two sides to it. If I have to pass another giant yellow sign that says "Make Australia Great Again" my soul will leave its body and go somewhere that accepts all opinions sexes and races, although I do enjoy the giant penis accompanied by cocksucker vandalism that really brings the big message home! Just to remind everyone who may still be on bordering fences of one shitty politician and another, Clive Palmer is the man who has so much spare money he created his own dinosaur park or if your feeling fun Palmersaur Park, thus taking out the coveted position of absolute joke of a human. If you don't care about your vote and just want the election to be over, then Clive Palmer will indeed be your next prime minister and this type of five star establishment will be destroying the native wetlands in your hometown very soon.

Now you are in a shame spiral and looking around for anyone that holds strong values and you may actually believe respects and values the people's opinions. There is a speckle of hope in some politicians, although do your research to fully understand the values (political and personal) that each party holds. Your vote is a golden ticket, please do not waste it, because if you do the future of Australia may be a very bleak and money hungry place with little to no room for discussion.

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