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Humans of Hospitality

Ask any person, and they will probably recall a time in their lives when they worked in hospitality. Maybe you started off as a dish hand or waiter but as hospitality workers previous or current, we all share a common experience and that is the nasty customer. This customer could be anyone, from a business man with no patience, a mother with no time or the grumpy uncaffeinated regular who drops in to express deep emotion regarding the dryness of the muffins. Whoever this person is for you (and I’m sure you have one), they left an impression that carries you through current and future jobs with the knowledge that no one can be as bad. I have had my fair share of hospitality jobs and I’m here to say that being rude and obnoxious will not get you your extra hot almond dirty chai minus the foam any quicker! What this will do though is create unnecessary stress for the already busy staff that trickles through the workplace like a black cloud.

Hospitality staff are humans and deserve as much respect as you are expecting to receive from them at the counter. A smile won’t break your face and a small amount of genuine conversation does go a long way. When the line is as long as a phone conversation with the grandparents, make your decision mid line and be decisive, as there is nothing as bad as someone who has been waiting in a line and reaches the counter only to proclaim that they can’t figure out what they want (anxiety related symptoms commence).

I also recognise that sometimes the staff of various cafes and restaurants can be just as rude, and in this instance I would say to these anger filled people that a job not involving direct contact with people who are most likely to annoy you is not a smart move. Toxic staff are bad for business and drive away customers through horrible face to face experiences. Hospitality and customer service is for people who genuinely love getting to know others and creating a welcoming experience from start to finish. Just remember that one comment, facial expression or passive aggressive behaviour can be the difference between leaving with a smile and crying in the toilet. You as a person don’t know what has happened in the lives of the people who are serving or who are being served. Treat people how you yourself want to be treated and don’t think for a second you are the only person in the world with problems!

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